
Dear Smartphone On Instagram:

A totally fun site to visit so please join in and share. How should we communicate graphically about our smartphones?  When words fail us…and pictures command! Growing organically.

Online Parenting:

Children and

Children and Screens is a one-stop site for information. You will find tips for parents, expert webinars that you can join in and ask questions, and a round-up of the latest scientific and popular press. This site synthesizes the current research on screen use during early childhood and teen years.

    Common Sense Media empowers parents, teachers, and policymakers by providing unbiased information, trusted advice, and innovative tools to help them harness the power of media and technology…(from mission statement). Launched in 2003. West Coast/SF based

    Fairplay, formerly Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood educates the public about commercialism’s impact on kids’ well being and advocates for the end of child-targeted marketing. (from mission statement). Founded in 2000. East Coast/Boston based.

    Distracted Driving:

    The CDC (Center for Disease Control/gov) site describes the three sources of distracted driving and examines distracted driving in the context of a public health problem. Distracted driving occurs because of manual distraction ( for example, reaching for the smartphone), visual distraction (for example, looking at the phone screen) and finally cognitive distraction (not paying full attention to driving).

    My earlier blog and articles on vehicles, driving, and technology:

      Teaching Seniors To Use Smart Phones and Tablets:

    Senior Planet site with  instructional videos:

    Another site with free and useful instructional videos:

    How Much Time Am I Spending on My Smartphone?



    A Snapshot of Smartphone Growth: 

    Pew Research regularly tracks and polls American households to track changes in how we use our smartphones.